All Creatures Great and Small | Siegfried and Tristan: Brotherly Love | Season 3 | Episode 7

Posted by Martina Birk on Thursday, May 9, 2024

(comical music) - Tristan!

Either of you seen that errant brother of mine?

(comical music) I felt perhaps you deserved one after all your hard work.

- He's going to kill me.

- Don't be silly.

He might maim you.

- I didn't try to fail.

- No, but you didn't try very hard to pass either.

(Tristan snorts) What are you up to in here?

- Preparing medicines as ordered.

(laughter) - Tristan, get your bloody feet off the table.

Do you think you're in some kind of backroom bordello?

That dog is an absolute disgrace.

- It's not his fault.

Mrs. Pumphrey over-indulges him.

(phone rings) - He's been spoiled.

- I know it comes from a place of love.

(phone rings) - He can't even answer the bloody phone.

If you think you're spending the evening eating, drinking, and carousing, you've got another thing coming.

(bell jingles) - Oh no.

I passed!

(laughter) - Our father would be very proud of you and so am I.

- You lied to him.

What on earth were you thinking?

- I thought we might be able to salvage something that approximates to a relationship.

- Oh, for goodness sake.

You're both as bad as each other.

- Oh God.

- What are you doing?

- Doing?


- Sounds about right.

Without fear, there cannot be courage.

- Without courage, there can't be pain.

(pig snorts) - Try not to startle him!

- Unbelievable.

- You've got form.

- I've got form?

That's rich.

- Oh, I don't know why they're arguing.

- What?

You told me you'd passed when you hadn't?

- You told me I'd passed when I hadn't.

- They always manage to find a way.

- So what possible objection can you have to showing me the letter?

- Because it would be nice for a change if you had a little faith in me - Oh for God's sake, just give me the letter!

- Are you two finished?

- Ha!


(enchanting music) - Well, it would be nice being the one giving orders for a change.

I think you've always resented me a little.

You were lumbered with a kid, and you had no choice but to take me in.

I never needed a parent.

- Cheers.

(glasses clink) - Yes, I am a tiny bit short.

- Go on.

(laughter) - The world is changing and you need to change with it.

- Aren't you proud he's gonna serve?

- Well, Tristan's many things, but he's not a soldier.

- There may be a way to hold him back.

One good turn deserves another.

- I'm sorry to ask you, but he's my little brother.

If anything happened to you, it would be the end for me.

I bloody love you, you fool.

- I've always looked up to you.

I have to go.

- I know.

- I suppose this is it.

Are we huggers now?

- Yes, we bloody well are.

I'm so damn proud of you.

You got your ticket?

- I don't need one.

- What do you mean you don't need one?

- Oh, and I'm sorry about the tab.

- Tab, what tab?

- I might've racked up a not entirely insignificant bill at the Drover's.

- What?

Is that why you're going?

A bar bill?


(train whistle blows) (gentle music)
